Sunday, January 4, 2015

Captain America's Shield (Part 5)!

Okie dokie, today's Captain America shield post is a tad bit long, but it's mostly pictures, so never fear! Now my shield is more than likely going to take more steps than any you reader create, because I've had problem after problem with this shield.

Step twenty: After I painted the blue yesterday it was drying with white edges to it. I can't fully explain it, but it was weird. So I primed it again (I've lost count on how many times I've primed this thing!). While the primer was drying I saw these tiny cracks going throughout the paint. I went out and purchased a glazing putty from Advanced Auto Parts. Dabbing some onto the shield, I smoothed it out with a piece of plastic that I sanded down to a smooth edge. (It's the pinkish stuff you're going to see in the pictures.)

Step twenty-one: The putty dried quickly. After it was dry I took some 400 grit auto sandpaper to it, after it looked a bit smoother I wet sanded it until all the bumps were flat.

Step twenty-two: I primed again.

Step twenty-three: There were still some bumps that I missed so I wet sanded again.

Step twenty-four: Guess what this step is!! I primed! Yet again!

Step twenty-five: Finally came time for the blue. (I also bought another can of the blue MetalCast, because I think there was problem with the last one, hence the cracks and white. Not sure though. But this new can worked like magic. No problems with it at all.) I did 6 layers of blue, give or take.

Here is the thousands of pictures I took of this process! Enjoy. I'll be back soon! Hopefully no more problems a rise!

There are the little white lines I was talking about.

I don't think you can see the cracks but they are there.

Layer one

Layer one after

Layer 2

Layer 2 after

Layer 3

Layer 3 after

Layer 4

Layer 4 after

Layer 5

Layer 5 after

Layer 6

Layer 6 after

Layer 6 way after

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